Wholesale Application

We offer multiple options to purchase our products. We are partnered with Faire, FashionGo and also offer direct purchasing.


Thank you for your interest in our wholesale program! We offer wholesale to registered businesses. If you are a registered business with a valid resale certificate please follow these steps to get your wholesale account started! 

1. Register your account on the website www.commondaisybrand.com/account/register

2. Email a copy of your resale certificate to commondaisybrand@gmail.com

2. We will send you a personalized discount code assigned to your membership account for you to use during checkout.

The name and shipping/billing address used to create your account will be the only name allowed to use the personalized discount code, and the shipping/billing address used will be the only address used when shipping your orders.  This will ensure us your personalized discount code is not being used by someone else. 

YES, you may mix & match!


Low $99 minimum!



OR you may purchase through Faire below:

